Thursday, April 18, 2013


By CJ Sufiya Afreen in Bhopal

The bond between women and astrology is something that is studded deep within the heart and minds of all ladies. Through the ages, stars are believed to play an important part in the lives of women. Why women? Since a girl is 5, she starts looking at the important phases of life as her own and builds up a world of dreams. Born with an incessant desire for love, care and happiness, the mind of a woman is tuned to beat with the happy flow of life. However, when she feels that the territory of her happiness may be invaded, she is quick at analyzing what is causing that and takes necessary steps. Women believe that the stars are responsible for changing the way they are leading their life. How astrology affects life?

Mental tendencies
Each of God’s creations is blessed with a separate nature and mental tendency. Astrology broadly categorizes the nature of women based on their sun sign. Women may be self-confident, ambitious, generous, optimistic, pessimistic, courageous, dominating, bold, binding, restless, kind-hearted, greedy, frank, shy, witty or impulsive. All qualities are there in a woman for a reason but there are some things that can affect more than others. It is an art to know which of the mental weapons is to be used when and what can cause inconsistencies in the situations of life.

Health and wealth
The stars have great effect on health. Believing in astrology and connecting to the cause of sickness or improper physical health is quite common with women. Man is considered as the bread-earner of the family but a woman is the one who takes care of all the rest. Most of the women believe in astrology to ensure good health for their family. The position of stars and the match inconsistencies may sometimes provoke the planetary effects. Women have the innate feeling that the stars are playing the puppets and that they can change the way things are. Thus, the connection of women and astrology is something that they bear in their heart.

Women are firm believers of astrology and consider it quite important in finding out the perfect match. Each individual has a specific character and there is nothing too negative in any characteristic. It is just the compatibility of two individuals that matters while match-making. Humanistic characteristics can be supportive or destructive. Tying the knot with someone who can’t stand a woman is something that can break her heart. Due to this reason, women always tend to match the compatibility with their to-be hubby.

Marriage and romance
Research states that women have 8 times greater desire for passionate love as compared to men and marriage is a dedicated lifetime commitment for them. So, their minds are piled up with thousands of questions. Whether or not they will lead a happy life with their partner? Will their partner be loyal to them? What can they do to make their partner love them? How intimate will be their sex life? Will their partners be happy and satisfied with them? Astrology answers all their doubts related to marriage and romance and also suggests steps that turn out to be fruitful in the long run.

Domestic atmosphere
As a domestic manager, women are much possessive about the atmosphere of their home. Peace, love, happiness is what they desire. However, the planetary disturbances sometimes cause issues in their lives. If there is a problem, there is also a solution. Astrology is amongst those tools that can help women win anything. When things go wrong, following the astrological pathway seems to nullify the harmful effects. Since the past, people have followed and benefitted from the ways of stars and this is why women are still strongly connected to it for a better life. 

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